Get More Sales & Return on Your Investment With PPC


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Why Should I Invest in PPC?

Here are some Essential PPC facts for you:

  • PPC has an average of 200% return on investment (ROI) - On average, across all industries, businesses make $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads (Google Economic Impact)
  • PPC is known to generate double the number of website visitors than SEO does (HubSpot)
  • PPC isn’t affected by algorithm updates -  only Quality Score and Budget affects PPC (Google)
  • Consumers are 155% more likely to search for terms related to a brand when exposed to display ads (WordStream)

What Works In PPC?

Some more PPC facts for you:

  • Mobile devices account for 70% of search ad impressions in the United States (eMarketer)
  • 52% of people who click on PPC ads call the advertiser anyway - Inbound calls are worth 5 to 10 times more than web form leads. (Business2Community)
  • Better Ad Quality matters: For the Google Display Network, every 0.1% increase in CTR results in a 20% decrease in CPC. (Searchenginewatch)
  • PPC + Good Quality Scores matter: The top 3 paid ad spots get 46% of the clicks on page (PowerTraffick)
  • Don't leave your PPC campaign on auto-pilot: 72% of companies haven’t looked at their ad campaigns in over a month. ((WebFX)

How Is SEO Different From SEM?

    Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a part of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) that centers on paid advertising. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is also a part of SEM.

    SEO brings you traffic from organic search results. However, SEM brings you traffic and visibility from both organic and paid search.

Why Hire a PPC Agency?

    Using the services of a PPC agency saves you valuable time and money, which you can utilize on your business instead. No need to hire or train (or both) a PPC specialist. Becoming an expert at something takes time. We have been doing PPC for many clients and thus we can say we have an idea of what works, and what doesn't in PPC. Our PPC folks will see to it that you get results.

PPC Services From NetMaxims

    Use NetMaxims PPC, a full-service, customizable solution to building, implementing, and managing a successful pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

    We specialize in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Instagram Ads as well as to retargeting users with remarketing.

Our PPC Services Comes in These Flavors:

01 PPC Auditing

While auditing your existing PPC campaign/s, we shall also be looking at:

  • Competitor ads
  • Bid optimization
  • Advertising assets (images, landing pages, and ad copy)
  • Ad Tracking

02 Creating Better PPC Ads & Campaigns

  • Bidding on relevant keywords - PPC keyword lists, tight keyword groups, and proper ad text.
  • Focusing on landing page quality - persuasive, relevant content, and a clear call to action (CTA) customized to specific search queries.
  • Improving your Quality Score (Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords, landing pages, and PPC campaigns) - PPC ads with better Quality Scores get more ad clicks at lower costs.
  • Capturing attention - eye-catching Ad creative and attractive ad copy.

03 Managing your PPC campaigns

  • Reviewing & shutting off costly, under-performing PPC keywords.
  • Continuously adding relevant PPC keywords.
  • Adding negative keywords to improve campaign relevancy and reduce ad spend wastage.
  • Refining landing pages - content and CTAs must match individual search queries for better conversion rates.
  • Splitting ad groups into smaller, more relevant ad groups - which helps create more targeted ad text and landing pages, thus boosting click-through rate (CTR) and Quality Score.

04 Remarketing

Use NetMaxims remarketing services to reconnect with past website visitors using targeted ads that motivate users to call, visit, or make a purchase.

05 Geofencing ads

Geofencing is a location-based advertisement where the location of a user is recorded through the internet. We can also use Geofencing to target special events, competitor locations, and more.

06 Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is an automated digital media buying platform, which doesn't need day-to-day management. It brings together multiple traffic sources, ad buyers, and sellers in a single package.

PPC Services

How We Determine Pricing

Our PPC service prices are based on:

  • Your business goals - short- and long-term
  • Your market - your competition
  • Your strategic objectives - Increase return on ad spend (ROAS), high-value keywords
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