Content To Build
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Why Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a type of inbound marketing - basically, relevant content (Example: blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, webinars, ebooks, podcasts) that pulls in your target users, who you can eventually turn into customers.

Compared to paid digital marketing campaigns such as PPC or PR, content marketing can bring results (in the form of website traffic, brand awareness and leads) for your business over the long-term, even after you are not actively creating more content.

Content marketing helps you become an industry leader: When you are giving out useful content on a regular basis, people trust you. Then they start to share your content. Finally, they choose your business.

Many leading marketing experts believe a modern business must also be like a news media house.

(Note: If you are seeking to build your brand, we suggest you utilize content marketing over a longer haul, creating useful content that your target customers will trust and value.)

Here Are Top 16 Useful Content Marketing Facts For You:

  • When researching a product or service, B2B buyers read almost 12 pieces of content before purchasing. (Source: Klevu)
  • The average Google first page result contains 1,447 words. (Source: Backlinko)
  • 89% of customers want to see more videos from brands in 2024. (Source: Wyzowl)
  • Short-form video content, like TikTok and Instagram Reel, is the No. 1 content marketing format, offering the highest return on investment (ROI). (Source: Hubspot)
  • In 2023, small businesses produced an average of 15 videos, medium-sized companies—84, and large corporations—118. (Source: Wistia)
  • Businesses that publish 16 or more blog posts a month are likely to generate 4.5 times as many leads compared to businesses that don’t publish as often. (Source: DemandSage)
  • Creating longer, valuable blog posts still correlates with content marketing success (Source: Orbit Media).
  • The top three goals content marketing helps them to achieve are creating brand awareness, building trust, and educating their target audience. (Source: B2C Marketers)
  • Most SEO specialists agree that the most challenging part of their job is content and strategy production. (Source: Search Engine Journal)
  • Articles containing at least one video tend to attract 70% more organic traffic than those without. (Source: SEMRUSH)
  • Interactive content generates 52.6% more engagement compared to static content. On average, buyers spend 8.5 minutes viewing static content items and 13 minutes on interactive content items. (Source: Mediafly)
  • Facebook is still the dominant social channel for content distribution, but video-centric channels like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are growing the fastest. (Source: Hubspot)
  • LinkedIn was the most common and top-performing organic social media distribution channel at 84% by a healthy margin. All other channels came in under 30%. (Source: B2B marketers)
  • 62% of B2B buyers prefer practical content like case studies to inform their purchasing decisions, citing “a need for valid sources.” (Source: DemandGen)
  • Users rely most on demos (62%) and user reviews (55%) to gain valuable insights into how a solution will meet their needs. (Source: DemandGen)
  • Content marketing generates over 3x as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less. (Source: Demand Metric)

What are the main steps in a typical Content marketing campaign?

The main steps are:

  • Creating a content strategy
  • Planning a content development schedule
  • Creating custom content (Videos, eBooks)
  • Optimizing content (search engine friendly, appropriate for individual online channels)
  • Distributing content (your online outposts - website, blog, YouTube channel, social media accounts)
  • Promoting content (wherever your target customers can be found online)
  • Tracking and reporting on results

How Do We Choose Topics For Content?

Content that delivers the best results for your business answers the most important questions related to your business, needed by your target audience, and driven by carefully researched keyword activity data.

We start with Keyword Research. Our NetMaxims team does a detailed drill-down of the topics related to your business. We look at the following metrics for the relevant keywords:

    1. Search volume: In case of B2B topics, lower search volume is expected.

    2. Competition: We particularly look for low-competition but promising keywords.

    3. Cost-per-click (CPC): CPC signals the potential value of a keyword to your business, as well as to your competitors.

    4. User intent: User intent is basically the reason why a user searched for a particular keyword/s. Three primary types of user intent are: transactional, informational, and navigational. Transactional intent may signal buying intent - e.g. "microwave oven price comparison new york".

Content Marketing Services From NetMaxims

    Our team creates a tailored content marketing strategy, followed by valuable content creation, both of which work at achieving your business’s goals, and delivering maximum ROI.

    We develop, write, edit, and promote targeted and customized, search engine-friendly & share worthy content for your business. We do it all - blog posts, online guides and explainer videos, and more.

    Result? A consistent increase in your organic traffic.

Our 360-degrees Content Marketing Services consist of the following tasks:

    01 Content Strategy

    Get a custom content strategy based on your business, audience, and goals. As we said above, we start with keyword research, and end with creating original and valuable evergreen content that drives relevant traffic to your website.

    02 Content Development Schedule

    We develop a content development / content project management schedule for producing, reviewing, and publishing your content. You determine the amount and variety of content. We deliver on your deadline, within your budget.

    03 Content Creation

    Led by experienced project managers, our talented copywriters and graphic designers start working on developing multiple content types - long-form content / big articles, blog posts, infographics, online guides, white papers, videos and more.

    Following this, our keen-eyed editors review the content, also making sure it adheres to your desired standards for branding and messaging.

    Finally, a dedicated account manager takes over the deliverables, sending it to your team for feedback.

    Diligent project management working to deliver your goals, all the way.

    04 Content Optimization

    Before your content goes live, our SEO-savvy team optimizes it with the click-and-rank-friendly meta title tags and meta descriptions for it. We also make suitable modifications in the headline to increase social media sharing.

    05 Content Promotion

    Even if a piece of content is highly relevant and useful, its bite will miss the mark by a mile if it is not present wherever your target customers are.

    If they are present in a Facebook group, for example, we will find the group/s and make sure they see the content.

    If the target users can be swayed by influencers, we will try to work with the influencer/s, keeping you in the loop.

    We can also use paid strategies, like pay-per-click (PPC), to promote your owned media across the web.

    06 Content Reporting

    We will see to it that you get timely analysis of you and your competitors’ share of the market, content’s return on investment (ROI), and changes in your competitor’s websites.

    If you've also decided to use our PPC services, we will do full-funnel ROI tracking, which will help us find out which content pieces are generating the most revenue.

    At NetMaxims, we see ourselves as a trusted and reputable content marketing service provider. After more than 20 years in the business, we understand it is all about bringing in the top ROI for our clients.

How We Determine Content Marketing Pricing

It is simple. It depends on the number of 'content assets' (as well as word length, video length, etc.).

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