Taru M.
Published: 02 Feb, 2021
Front-end web development tools are handy as they save a lot of time and speed up front-end web development. These tools make code coding, viewing, and maintenance much more comfortable. Nowadays, there are various kinds of tools available for front-end web development.
When it comes to deciding what to use for a project, it can be not very clear. Here, we have given you a list of the best tools available for front-end web development and exploring their features.
Table of Contents
1. CodePen
2. Bootstrap
3. Sublime Text
4. AngularJS
5. React JS
6. Chrome Developer Tools
CodePen is a sophisticated open-source online coding environment for front-end developers. You can quickly start coding with an online text editor and see the results right next to it, which helps you develop swiftly and smoothly. It’s also great for trying out new ideas, testing excerpts, and speeding up the learning process.
It consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end libraries such as React, various CSS preprocessors, useful templates, attractive design templates, plugins, and frameworks. You can create components in CodePen and reuse them later in your project. You can easily share your work and learn from a large community of front-end developers. It also supports embedding code on other sites.
Bootstrap is one of the widely used open-source front-end frameworks created by Twitter. It contains commonly-used essential components such as navigation bars, buttons, dropdowns, forms, alarms, and carousels. These components can be easily reused by developers to quickly create websites without wasting time designing these elements from scratch.
Moreover, it is suitable for beginners as it merely includes a content delivery network (CDN) link or downloads the project’s bootstrap file to get started. Well documented with powerful JS plugins, there is an extensive collection of pre-built components for quickly building responsive websites.
Sublime text is an efficient, super-fast, and popular code editor—sublime text design elegantly with a very user-friendly interface. You can create code with features such as simultaneous editing of multiple selected areas (ctrl + D), Go to Anything (Ctrl + P) for fast navigation, syntactic highlighting, and similar code sections auto-indentation, and more. Many plugins and packages for recording keystrokes and other useful keyboard shortcuts are also there for web developers. It supports many programming languages and is compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux.
HTML is usually the base of front-end developer toolkits, but there are some that many consider serious errors. AngularJS is designed to handle dynamic views, whereas AngularJS, an open-source framework for web applications, comes in. Developed by Google, AngularJS lets you extend your application’s HTML syntax for unprecedented expressiveness, readability, and development speed. AngularJs must be built with HTML only.
One of the most popular languages in front-end development, JavaScript, helps you build robust, responsive pages with great features.
React JS is a JavaScript library for building complex and powerful user interfaces from recyclable components. It’s efficient and flexible. Over the latest five years, it has become one of the most preferred web technologies in front-end development.
Chrome developer tools is a web development tool built directly into the Chrome browser. The main advantage of this is that you can quickly see what your site will look like in your browser while changing the CSS code and style. You can view the box template and change the margins, padding, and edges.
There are networking tools for optimizing site performance, speed, load, working with the DOM, diagnosing problems, and debugging JavaScript. You can also use it to see what your site will look like on other types of devices.
All these front end tools can help you to teach you the core frontend technologies from scratch and helps you to better develop your websites but not all of these tools will be useful at the same time. It will also be important to identify a mix in order to accelerate your front-end development projects.
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